Monday, August 27, 2012


i am a golden god and you can tell rolling stones my last words  I'm on drugs 

Friday, August 24, 2012

things i want to do

1 get a sandwich named after me at a deli
2 run in the olympic torch relay
3 be a test subject in a medical trial
4 have sex on every continent
5. become a riot police so i can beat up hippies and college punks
6 own a tiger

Thursday, August 23, 2012


is there any rappers with basic command of the english language


 joseph conrad said that the only way to win a war is to burn every man women and child that is how america must fight its wars it must be brutal  who cares if its for americas benefit all wars are for a benefit.

apocalypse now

the best part of the movie is the first hour the rest just runs out of steam i think its because  talented directors start out with no budget so as soon as they get a big budget they don't know what to do with it   and the directors turn movies into art and have to linger on every shot which is why stanley kubrick made a 5 hour film and apocalypse now is 3 and a quarter hours 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012